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Californian King Snakes

(Lampropeltis Getula California)


California King snake

(Lampropeltis Getula California)

Size: Hatchling’s are generally 8 to 10 inches and as adults thy can reach a lengths of 3 to 4ft

Food: hatchlings will take Pinkie mice and as thy grow thy will start to eat bigger pray items like Fuzzies, then Hoppers and full grown Mice And after that you may feed them Rat Hoppers

Caging: As a Hatchlings thy should be kept in a 10 gallon tank. But then you would have to change the size every time the snake grows so I recommend you bye a  29 gallon tank, that would do for a adult so that way you save some money (make sure the lid is on tight snakes are experts at escaping.

Substrate: There are many things you can use such as  aspen shavings, reptile carpet news paper astro turf.Do NOT use cedar or pine shavings. These items are toxic to reptiles!!!

Temperature: The worm side of the tank should be around 28c and the cool side 23c that way the snake can decide on what temp he/she whants to be. I recommend you use a heating pad for the one side and a light in the midd

Handling: Handling your snake is very important it helps the snake learn that you’re not the enemy and creates a bond between you and the snake. At first Hatchlings might be a little jumpy, and thy might also musk on your hands, and sometimes thy will rattle there tales but this will pas with regular handling. Handel your snake on a regular bases. Sometimes this might not work if it dosint you should back down on the handeling them...

some kingsnakes will never calm down and will always be unpredictable and untrustworthy

             no matter how much you handle them




I have 3 Call Kings

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